The Fat and the Thin of it! (32)


This week I saw that the National Health Service in the UK is to offer gastric bypass surgery to obese patients. Fat hatredI also saw a headline in one newspaper which read: “Drop the staple gun, Doc, and Tell Fatty to grow some willpower”. The article contained such comments as:”I have also found fat people funny”; “it is something they have imposed on themselves through a combination of gannetry,  indolence and stupidity”; and “sometimes I even go to places where I know there will be lots of fat people and sit on a bench watching them clumping around, sweating and gasping, and snigger to myself.”

As you can see, it’s okay to be bigoted about weighty people because somehow, being not thin, we have ceased to be human beings and can be ridiculed, insulted, discriminated against and then be told to have surgery which can be life-threatening and possibly lead to our deaths. Doubtless if weighty people died during gastric bypass surgery the fat haters would be gleeful to have less fat people to pollute their perfect lives.

The reason why I feel infuriated by the headlines is because I have been reading a couple of books and other material which actually show that “obesity” and the much-vaunted BMI are a recent creation and a nice little money earner for the medicos and diet industry based on shonky health research. At the same time, the low-fat, high carbohydrate diet extolled to Western nations like the UK, US and Australia over the past few decades also has feet of clay, a big con trick by the food industry to protect their profits despite research showing that people following what they believe are healthy diets are actually endangering their own health.


But hey, let’s blame the victim, then you don’t have to look at the food giants, the pharmaceutical industry and the diet industry who have all colluded to squash research showing the health dangers of a high carbohydrate, high-sugar diet to protect their god-almighty profits.

And let’s not mention that people also eat for emotional reasons such as stress, long working hours, job insecurity, low wages, unemployment, social interaction, homelessness and so on, because then you have to look at the social reasons for over-eating and lack of exercise because people are knackered by the end of the day trying to cope with the pressures of life in Western society today.

This has tied in with the fact I wanted to follow up my posts on women’s liberation with some material about diets and thinness stifling women’s creativity and power, and also how eating can be emotional, as I witnessed when I got as fat as butter when my Mum was dying of lung cancer.

So what I’m intending in my next few posts are:

1) Feminism, women and weight;

2) My own weight battle;

3) Dealing with my mother’s death from lung cancer & my own (fat) emotional response;


4) The giant con trick perpetrated on Western society by the dietary, medical, pharmaceutical and food industries to protect their profits regardless of the ill-health of people following what they believe are health diets.

I have no doubt that questioning the low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet and the all-powerful BMI is tackling sacred cows, but I really hate being conned and both of these are con tricks, not exposed by the industries involved, but brought out into the light of day  by individuals doing independent research and publishing their findings.


Leunig - the life you could have lead


8 responses

  1. Interesting post Mo. There are many reasons why some people weigh too much and others too little.


    1. Yes, you’re right, Irene, I think with all the conflicting evidence and media images and workshop of thin women, we have lost touch with what shape we really are and to be happy with the way we turned up in this world.


  2. In the 1980’s I started eating a mostly vegan diet. Then I got sick, and all that went down the sink. Now, I’ve found a new internist, who suggested I do non-dairy and at least modified vegan again. I have been working at it. The doctor told me dairy inflames the body, which FM has already inflamed. It is really helping me. In my research, I found that there is a lot of money invested in trying to convince people to eat high-protein diets. In fact, there are studies that show that high-protein diets cause cancer. It appears that big corporations and others who have no real interest in our well being are controlling what we are told about what is good for us. I’m very interested to see the rest of your posts you talked about.


  3. Thanks for your comment, Kerry. I think it boil down to working out what suits you, what you feel good on and eating as much natural food as possible. I find a relatively low carb diet suits me, I feel more energetic, but again I modify it to suit what I like eating, what I can get here where choices can be somewhat limited but which are generally pretty unmodified, and as little processed food as possible. As for big money behind the low-carb diets, if you read the book I’m forging my way through (it’s really very dense ínformation and details) you’ll find there’s just as much big money behind the high-carb, low fat diet. I was quite taken aback, to be honest. And believe it or not, there’s more research which shows high fat diets don’t cause cancer, while high-carb diets cause diabetes and obesity. Obviously it depends on what side is rooting for its product, so I think for everything you eat, it’s imperative we do our research and do our best to make good choices which suit each individual.


  4. Interesting post. My husband and I changed our eating habits around fourteen months ago (he quit the ice cream, I quit the wine, pita chips and hummous every night). We eat a pretty low carb diet: as he says, potatoes, pasta, sugar, etc: no. We are feeling pretty healthy and have both lost about forty pounds. I have had a weight problem for many years and this is the first time I’ve lost weight and kept it off for almost a year. Gastric bypass is tricky and scary. One thing that has helped is that my husband makes juice or a smoothie every morning, lots of stuff in it: kale, celery, ginger, apples, carrots, basically whatever! It is good for digestion! I’ve come to like the feeling of a little hunger at night (I used to be so stuffed from sitting around eating whatever) and I do not feel deprived whatsoever. The trick is whole foods, you are so right about the food industry selling us crap filled with sugar and salt that just leaves us wanting more. One product that I really like is Ezekial bread but I don’t know if you have it in the UK. Good luck!


    1. Thanks for your comment, I get really annoyed with the medicos and their rush to do stuff like surgery as a quick fix (and a quick profit for the medical profession). As you say, eat what you feel good with. I don’t live in the UK, I’m in North Cyprus so no, I wouldn’t get Ezekial bread here, it’s mostly local produce.


  5. Thanks Mo. Self -righteous and cruel judgments create such pollution in our lives.


    1. Thanks, Rita, there is some really nasty stuff spouted at people who look in any way different. At my age, it rolls off my back although I’ve never actually had nasty comments, perhaps because I look as if I’d retaliate! But there are vulnerable people out there who often can’t handle verbal abuse and too often you see that young people despair and commit suicide which is absolutely tragic.


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